September 2022 - Homesickness

Being homesick is inevitable, but I still have to deal with it. I cried almost every night. I was so depressed and unmotivated. It took me almost half a year to deal with it. It’s progressing, and it’s less lonely.

Fill your time by doing things you enjoy, hanging out with friends, going for a walk, hop on a phone call with your best friends or family. It helps.

If you are reading this and feel lonely, time will heal :) 加油!

學懂 怎麼思鄉 點一杯鴛鴦 像從前快樂
最近 閉上眼睛 有某個片刻 我怕回憶稀薄
— 勿念 岑寧兒

Date September 2022

Location Downtown, Los Angeles

Camera Contax T3

Film Fuji Premium400


August 2022


October 2022